Are moderate-to-severe tremors from Parkinson’s disease affecting your daily activities?
Consider taking part in the PATAGONIA Study!

There are currently no therapies specifically approved to treat tremor in those who have Parkinson’s disease. While there are some therapies available to broadly treat the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, including tremor, the response of tremor to these therapies varies. Often tremor remains poorly controlled.
There is an unmet need for therapies that better treat tremor and its impact on daily activities.
The PATAGONIA Study is researching the safety and effectiveness of an investigational drug that may reduce the impact of tremor on daily activities.
We invite you to take part in a research study for adults who have moderate-to-severe tremor that continues despite treatment with standard Parkinson’s medications. The PATAGONIA Study is researching the safety and effectiveness of an investigational drug that may reduce the impact of tremor on daily activities.
The PATAGONIA study will enroll approximately 160 adults.
You may qualify for the study if you:
- Are 40 to 85 years of age
- Have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease
- Experience moderate-to-severe tremor that affects your daily activities
What can study participants expect?
Participation in the PATAGONIA Study will last up to 23 weeks, including a screening period up to 4 weeks, a 5-week period to find the optimal dose of the investigational drug, a 12-week maintenance period, and a 2-week safety follow-up period. The study will involve approximately 9 visits to the study center, and 11 phone calls from the study team.
During the study, participants will be able to continue taking most standard medications to treat their Parkinson’s disease so long as the medications remain at the current dose and are taken at the same time of day.
If you decide to participate in the PATAGONIA Study, you will receive all study-related visits, tests, and the investigational drug or matching placebo from a dedicated medical team at no cost. A placebo is an inactive substance that looks like the investigational drug.
Participants who qualify to take part in the study may receive reimbursement for study-related travel and expenses and will receive a stipend for taking part in the study.
No health insurance is required to join the PATAGONIA Study.

Take the questionnaire
Please take a moment to answer the following questions to see if you may qualify for the PATAGONIA Study.
The information you provide here will not be stored or shared and will only be used to determine if you, or someone you know, might be eligible for this study.
Thank you for taking the prescreening questionnaire. Based on your results, you do not qualify to participate at this time.
Thank you for completing the prescreen questionnaire. Based on your results, you may qualify to participate in the PATAGONIA Study.
Please provide your location below to find a study center near you and contact a nearby center if you are interested in participating in this research. You will be asked to provide additional information to determine if you qualify for the study.
The interactive map shows the study centers that are actively participating in the PATAGONIA Study. You can enter your ZIP Code to find the study center closest to you or email and/or call the study team to learn more. If you qualify for the study, there is no obligation to join — you can decide if you would like to participate.
Please select the study center that is most convenient for you.
Frequently asked questions
A study (also called a clinical trial) is a medical study that helps to answer important questions about an investigational drug – these may include how well an investigational drug works for a certain condition. All medications must be tested in clinical research studies before they can be approved and prescribed to patients.
A study is the process by which new and innovative medications, interventions and treatments are approved and brought to the general public, so people can hopefully live happier and healthier lives. Even over-the-counter medications, such as aspirin, you may have used to counteract a headache, have gone through the clinical research study process before it was available at your local pharmacy.
The PATAGONIA Study is researching the safety and effectiveness of an investigational drug that may reduce the impact of tremor on activities of daily living.
The total duration of the study for each participant will be up-to 23 weeks. During the Screening Period, which will occur over a period of up to 4 weeks, participants will have tests and procedures to find out if they can take part in the study. Participants will also be asked to stop taking any medications that are not allowed in the study. Note that participants should be able to remain on their regular Parkinson’s disease medications.
If qualified, participants will be randomly assigned, like drawing straws, to receive either the investigational drug or a placebo. A placebo looks like the investigational drug but contains an inactive substance that does not directly cause any physical changes to your body.
There will be a 5-week period to find the optimal dose of the investigational drug for each participant, followed by a 12-week maintenance period during which participants will continue on the optimal dose. Participation in the study involves approximately 9 visits to the study site and 11 phone calls from the study team.
Volunteers who qualify to take part in the study will receive a stipend and may receive reimbursement for travel and expenses. Please discuss this with the study team when they contact you.
There is no cost to participate in the PATAGONIA Study. If you decide to take part:
- You will receive study-related care from a team of experienced doctors and nurses throughout the study.
- All study-related visits, tests, and investigational drug (or placebo) will be provided at no cost to you.
The research team will be able to explain more about what the PATAGONIA Study will involve and it is up to you to decide if you want to take part. Participation in this study is voluntary. Whether or not you decide to participate in this study will not affect your current or future relationships with your doctors or future treatment and care. If you decide to participate, you are free to withdraw at any time without affecting those relationships or future treatment options.